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About Us

The Roosevelt Way

Eleanor Roosevelt High School has made such an impact in all of our lives and we are all proud to be alumni of this great school. Therefore, it is long overdue to have a fully operational Alumni Association as a way to give back, network, and reconnect. 


Our alumni association was created by Game Plan, Inc., which was founded by Sam Sesay, ERHS class of 2002. The organization is a registered 501c3 with the IRS and a Prince George's County Public School (PGCPS) approved partner. Game Plan has been running its programming at ERHS since 2015 with a focus of teaching students project management and leadership through engaging with alumni, the local community, and entrepreneurs.















Game Plan Students

Through its interaction with alumni volunteers, Game Plan saw a need to re-engage alumni with the school as many wanted to volunteer, but did not know where to start or who to contact. Also, it was crazy that a school with a rich history like ERHS did not have an active alumni association. 


The Alumni Association has grown from a few former students that just wanted to help the younger generation of ERHS students, to a  Facebook Group with over 3,000 members, now to an organization with big goals to give back to the students at ERHS, while connecting and reuniting with ERHS Alumni.


ERHS is still known as the best high school in Prince George's County. Let's now also be recognized as having the best alumni association, as well.


If you have not done so, please join our email list to stay up to date with recent news and upcoming events.


Also, if you would like to volunteer with Game Plan and/or The Alumni Association, please contact us. It's the Roosevelt Way!

© ERHS Alumni Association Powered by Game Plan, Inc. 

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